Yes, it’s true. As much as I love my four-patches and nine-patches, my strips of all sizes, and just squares in general, I have a secret love. Half square triangles. I LOVE them…I want to wallpaper a room in them…and actually? I have been known to dream about them. I know. Sad. Anyways someday I have a plan to make a bucket of them in all of my favorite fabrics—with various assorted backgrounds—also I will throw in some 4-patches just cuz. I will use them like…legos or pattern blocks. I will never sew them together. They will be just for playing with.
When I get started on a new quilt the first thing I do is figure out what type of units I want to use. If I have an idea in mind I will draw it out first on graph paper and look at how it plays with the squares on the page. But sometimes I just want to play on the design wall, and for that I usually head straight to the magical half-square triangle, sometimes with some plain squares or four patches thrown in. And then I do this for days on end…
I don’t usually change my mind about the background half-way into it…
But sometimes I do.
I hope to make up my mind tonight…after I play just a little bit more.
Have a happy and safe Halloween weekend!!