So judging from some of last weeks comments and emails I guess we're all a little ADD when it comes to our quilting....but I think this weekend I really took it to a new level. For me anyway. I was zipping along making good progress on my Dream On top, cutting

and sewing up a storm,

when suddenly some of the fabrics I was cutting reminded me of some yarn I have. I don't actually knit or crochet...but that doesn't keep me from having a nice little drawer of hooks and needles

and a bit of yarn.

You never know when the bug will hit, right? And that's exactly what happened. I spent Sunday morning relearning to cast on and then the rest of the day and into evening trying to get just one %&^$ decent row. (I learn to knit about once every 3 years or so-- just long enough to get oh say 5 rows done and then I put it away and promptly forget how.) I finally just decided to quit ripping out and just knit a nice big square to practice.

You should see all the holes in this thing. Today when I finally got back to my quilting my poor fingers were so sore and bruised it hurt to pin my corners on.

But I persevered and here's what I have so far.

I can't decide whether to make it bigger or just stop where I am. Maybe I'll go knit while I think about it....