Sarah (my daughter) and I celebrated New Year's Eve together and for dinner she requested (and I complied) Potatoes Baked in Cream and Brie Toast with Truffle Oil. These recipes are just two of many that I make that have resulted in my (dire) need to join
Sharon's diet challenge.

I figured I would share them now before Monday when it will be physically painful for me to look at these pictures. Monday is when I officially start said diet challenge. Sharon is making me post on Monday's so that is when I will start. Good thing I like Sharon
a lot because I
really don't like being held accountable to certain days of posting-- I wouldn't do this for just anyone lolol...we'll see how I do. O.k back to the recipes. The first is from this cookbook which is one of the first I ever owned.

Unfortunately it's out of print but here is the recipe (click to enlarge)

and since I am a visual learner I took pictures of every step, just fast forward if you don't need pictures :) This is a
really simple recipe...but if you are joining us on the challenge DO NOT MAKE IT or make it now and join on Monday like me :)
Here is what you start with:

Here is what you do with it.
Scrub your potatoes and slice them
very thin.

I believe a Cuisinart is essential to this step :)

Use a garlic press or your preferred method of smashing garlic and squeeze 2, or 3, or more if you want, cloves (of garlic) into your ovenproof dish.

Add about a half cube of softened
butter (not margarine please) and mush it around until it looks like this

meanwhile heat the heavy cream (about 3 cups...I
know but it's not like you're eating it every day...) over very low heat until it just begins to steam and add 1 tsp salt and freshly ground pepper and nutmeg about 1/2 tsp each? Or until it looks like this

As a side note--if you don't already grind your nutmeg fresh you will never regret getting yourself a nutmeg grinder and starting now :) Just take my word for this.

Next begin to layer the potatoes and the heavy cream

and then top with fresh grated parmesan (which you can also use the cuisinart for)

Bake at 425 for 20 minutes and then lower temp. to 375 for about 30 min but
most importantly until you insert a knife and the potatoes feel
very tender. It should look like this:

Our other main course was little toasts with brie and truffle oil... the nectar of the gods..I'm not kidding here :) This "recipe" was inspired by the pizza at Sammy's

You just slice up a baguette and top with little dabs of brie put under the broiler til it melts a bit and then drizzle the tiniest bit of truffle oil over the tops...it's like a party in your mouth :)

Oh and since this is essentially a quilting blog? Here is what I have been playing with in the sewing room :)

Have a great rest of the weekend :)