Hi! My name is Tammy ("Hi Tammy") and it's been 13 days since my last post :) Is there a 12 step program for bloggers? There should be...I know there's one for quilters...I'm in it.

It may have been quiet on my blog but it hasn't been quiet in my sewing room! (By the way, all of you who are only here for the kitten? He's at the bottom...go ahead go...it's o.k...sniff...really.) I am doing the happy dance because I have finally finished 2 quilt tops (both made with patterns out of
this book by Carrie Nelson)

that have been nagging at me all year...Tag Sale made with Heather Bailey's Fresh Cut line (that's my neighbors front yard and there she is poking her head out...Hi Cindy!)

and Amadeus made with Sanctuary by Moda. I will try to get some better pictures later of this one...the wind is not cooperating today!

I also made this little twisted nine patch for my mom out of Fresh Squeezed by Moda. I'm regretting not getting a couple more charm packs of this 'cause it's going to be hard to part with!

The one on the bottom (of that pile up there) is All Stars by Cozy Quilts made with a jelly roll of Fresh Air by Moda. Again I'll have to get a better picture later...also I'm cheating having this one in the finished pile-it still lacks a top and bottom border. Here it is still on the design wall before any borders were sewn.

There would be 5 in that pile but the fifth one was a gift and my sweet son accidentally erased the picture of it before I could load it and after it had gone to it's new home. So again with the design wall picture :( I like this one so much I may make it again for me.

The UPS man just left...I love him. He brought me the
pin cushion book that I saw on
Linda's blog and decided I must have in order to more fully participate in the fun pin cushion swap she's hosting. (The cute little button bag and tiny box are from last Friday's Brown Bag class with Jo Anne...I love her too !)

And speaking of books...every now and then I plan a class for one of the kid's that I just can't wait to start. I have been looking around the internet for quite some time looking for the perfect Home-Ec curriculum for Sarah to take in her high school years. (I can't believe my baby starts high school next year.) I finally decided to just put one together myself and settled on these two books (more like tomes...I know). I've had the Home Comforts for a long time and I love it. I just got the one by Martha Stewart and have barely flipped through it but I know it's gotta be good.

O.k., o.k. I know you really just want to see Lemon so here he (turns out "she's" a "he") is. No back sleeping, today it's tub sleeping.

And no, the lid wasn't on...see?

Although at times it's tempting.

Nah...not really :)

I have to run now. My oldest son has been in Kentucky since Friday at a
New Attitude conference and he is due home any minute! He was supposed to be here yesterday but his flight was canceled due to bad weather in Dallas..needless to say I'm relieved to know he's safely back in San Diego! Hope everyone is having a great week!