I've been on a cookbook buying binge this Summer. I keep saying "that's
it-- NO MORE!" and then one of you lovely people out there in blogland tells me that really I do need "just this
one more" . At least you never steer me wrong...I love them all so far. This so amazingly true quote is from The Splendid Table, not just a great cookbook but full of fun pages like this one
. My favorite cookbooks (here is a sampling of titles) include stories and anecdotes, little tidbits that just add to the joy of making the recipe somehow. If you have never read
Laurie Colwin's Home Cooking you are missing a rare treat...go order it now :)

I went to see Julie and Julia this week and immediately ordered Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Unfortunately a lot of people did the same thing so there's a wait for the book. While I wait I've been reading, and very much enjoying, her original blog
The Julie/Julia Project. Now if the weather would just cool off enough for me to turn on my oven.
O.k. moving on to Fabric...I love Cath Kidston and it makes me sad that we don't have her stores here in the U.S. and in order to actually own any of her stuff I have to fork out way more than I'm willing on shipping. The other day when I was prowling around Amazon looking for
thisI somehow ended up finding
thisand so of course I ordered it...free shipping and all. It came the same day as my order of American Retro from Sew Mama Sew...

and I am once again in fabric love...See how it matches my Cath Kidston notebook?
That just makes me happier than....well happier than it ought, I suppose :) I made a few more pincushions,

don't they look like a little family?

Right? Don't they? I just can't bring myself to break them up, so I guess I need to make more... Some darker ones for Fall...

I am loving the joy of miniature...so quick and fun and cute. I made this little 8x9 inch cutie start to finish in about one hour...now
that's what I'm talkin' about!

O.k. I'm off to finish up curriculum planning...it's that time of year AGAIN...how did that happen so quick????
Oh and hey is there something weird going on with blogger? My little bar up there has all different buttons and my pictures are ending up in weird places....I'm not likin' it one bit :(