but before I report on my "goings on" I just want to say thank you to all of you for your sweet comments on my last post! I just finished reading and was so touched and blessed by your words. I hope to
eventually answer you all but I have got some major catching up to do!!! I opened my bloglines just now and got so far as
Carol (I go alphabetically) before I realized I was not going to be able to totally catch up ( we're talking 1,000's of missed posts!!). I may just have to start fresh in order not feel so overwhelmed that I just go hide in a corner and whimper...
The reason for my absence and "behindedness" (scary that I homeschool my kid's and use words like that huh?)...a wonderful week beach camping at San Elijo with 7 other families. It was a wonderful refreshing time. This was our 6th year and I look forward to many more.
I was home for about 2 seconds before it was time to leave for the first ever Summer Quilt Festival in Long Beach...can you say fun??? Oh and exhausting? I went with my "usual partner in crime" (Janine) and we had a blast. Our room at the Westin was wonderful...the "heavenly bed" they promised was just that...heavenly...

After a few hours of shopping at these incredible booths

we felt the need for some lunch and found this great Irish pub right across the street...if you're ever at the Long Beach Convention Center eat here it's yummy!

Then more shopping...here's our loot from the first day-Janine's...

and mine.

I seem to have lost some of my pictures of other booths...I know they're in my computer somewhere so I'll load more later (when I find them) I'll leave you with our dinner at the "Rock Bottom" (also delicious) and what finally ended up coming home with me.

I had a nice 2 hour chat with my mom today and she is home and doing so much better...thanks for all your prayers :) I'll try and be back soon with the rest of the vendor pictures and some beach pic's...my computer or blogger is acting up right now :( Oh yeah and that give-away...I haven't forgotten :)