So I'm popping in real quick to get blogger to say I posted in May :) It's been super busy around here and it's only going to get worse until Jonathan graduates. June 11 is the big day--yippee!! Because of this:

I haven't been commenting or blogging at all...broken space bar...I have to press that teeny little white button at every space grrrrrr. Getting it fixed soon hopefully. So here is my month in pictures with no (or very few) words. I'll pop in when I can with pictures now that I've explained myself....
Painted the kitchen:

Cooked some yummy pasta:

Re-organized my sewing room here it is before:

And now:

This was originally an after until I got a new table:

My new table is from my next door neighbors...tell the story when I have a space bar.

Planted a very neglected and weedy bed:

Made a quilt

I love reading your comments but I won't be able to answer sorry. I will answer questions but please understand short abrupt responses :)
Have a wonderful week!!